Perfection is Not an Image

Perfection is not an image. It is the completion of the process. When Jesus was on the cross, he wasn’t describing how beautiful he looked. Because in reality he was a shell of pulverized flesh. He said, it is finished. Paul also said, I have finished my course.

They were both describing the end of an assignment and fulfillment of an process. They had completed what God told them to do. They were done with the journey.

In this passage Romans 12:2, we see a three-step process that ends in completion.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what [is] that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
Here the word “good” is an invitation from God to follow the breadcrumbs of his goodness. That is what leads us to change the way we think after being with God and getting an picture of our potential in Him.

But that’s not where things end. They don’t become significant until we accept His invitation to pursue a relationship with God and exchange His agenda for our own plans. That begins the journey towards the acceptable will of God. The acceptable will of God entails giving Him our yes. It goes beyond receiving Jesus as our savior but includes His Lordship. It is our total surrender and pursuit of His desire for us.

Finally, It is One thing to accept the invitation. Its important to give God your yes. But It’s another thing to finish the course. Perfection is not an image. It is when we finish the course. That means defining what God has told you to do. What assignments are on your scroll? What is written in your book? God develops us in the context of relationships. We grow up spiritually according to the depth of connection we experience through our encounter with God.

So don’t focus on the image of perfection. Focus on finishing the course, completing the process and in doing so, we become conformed to the image of Christ.